Simplifying your heifer and cow health

The overall health and success of your calves hinges on the care your cows and heifers receive. Zoetis products and expertise are here to help you with that.

Simplifying your heifer and cow health

The overall health and success of your calves hinges on the care your cows and heifers receive. Zoetis products and expertise are here to help you with that.

Reproductive protection to help protect your peace of mind

The Fetal Protection Support Guarantee from Zoetis helps give producers confidence that heifers and cows vaccinated appropriately with reproductive vaccines from Zoetis may receive financial reimbursement if BVD persistently-infected calves are born or abortions are caused by IBR.

The protection that fits your operation

Unborn calves rely on the mother’s immune system for disease prevention. When you are choosing your herd health products, there isn’t a one-solution-fits-all product. It's finding appropriate products to provide the best balance of efficacy and safety to match the risk of disease exposure for your herd.
Modified-live Vaccine

Protection That Comes With Confidence

Giving them a boost to their immunity when they need it most will help defend against reproductive diseases.

When is a modified-live vaccine the right fit?

  • You share fence lines with purchased cattle
  • You've purchased cattle that aren't BVD-PI tested
  • You buy cattle and bring them onto your farm several times per year
  • When pregnant cows or heifers are purchased and their newborn calves are not BVD-PI tested, which is the most common way BVD is introduced into a herd.

Explore The Benefits

  • Effective against BRSV and IBR disease
  • Provides more comprehensive immune protection against IBR abortion
  • Improves immune response, when compared with killed virus vaccines
  • Backed by the Zoetis Fetal Protection Support Guarantee
Killed Vaccines

The Vaccine for any Cow, Anytime

You can help keep the mother protected and give calves the immunity they need from the start — safely and confidently.

When is a killed vaccine the right fit?

  • You've purchased replacement heifers and cows with unknown histories
  • You have a closed herd and raise all your replacement heifers
  • You've purchased cattle that are negative for BVD-PI
  • You practice ongoing BVD-PI testing along with biosecurity measures

Explore The Benefits

  • Demonstrates safety regardless of cow's pregnancy status
  • Prevents IBR abortion and persistently infected calves caused by BVD Types 1 and 2
  • Administers safely for any animal at any life stage
  • Backed by the Zoetis Fetal Protection Support Guarantee

Do not use in pregnant cattle (abortions can result) unless they were vaccinated, according to label directions, with any BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP or PREGGUARD GOLD FP vaccine prebreeding initially and within 12 months thereafter. Do not use in calves nursing pregnant cows unless their dams were vaccinated within the past 12 months as described above. To help ensure safety in pregnant cattle, heifers must receive at least 2 doses of any BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP or PREGGUARD GOLD FP vaccine with the second dose administered approximately 30 days prebreeding.

Enhanced antibodies for a healthier calf1

A calf receives antibodies from the colostrum they consume after birth. Vaccinating your cows and heifers with ScourGuard® 4KC will help enhance the antibodies in the colostrum and help protect your calves from scours. When using scours vaccine for the first time, the heifer or cow will require two doses, with the second dose completed 3 to 6 weeks prior to calving.

ScourGuard® 4KC

Provides broad-spectrum protection against scours pathogens
Vaccinating helps ensure high-quality colostrum
Scours prevention helps reduce mortality in calves

Understand how to protect against parasites with confidence

If you have cattle grazing, then you also have a risk of exposure to internal parasites. The first step in an effective parasite management program is understanding the role of active ingredients in products. This infographic tells you what you need to know to make informed decisions.

Build a plan that works for you

A herd health plan that works for you is a plan that removes the guesswork. And we can help you develop a herd health strategy with the appropriate products, timing and dosage to help strengthen your herd and operation.